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hii, trying to fix my sisters advent netbook, running xp.

When i started, the loading windows screen had a green loading bar and no logo then blue screened with c0000137 error saying io permissions could not be changed. This happened however you tried to load it, even in safe mode and it automatically chose techguys recovery option to load it which results in same blue screen. This apparently started after they downloaded avg and did the reg fix on it.

After resetting bios settings and pressing f2 on start up to get to choose operating system screen, it can be loaded ok by choosing windows xp, however any normal restart causes green loading bar and automatic techguys start up and blue screen unless stopped by f2 screen.

After loading it to desktop i scanned with avg which temporarily removed viruses and blocked several active attacks, i downloaded malwarebytes which removed 11 items including infected reg keys which needed a restart but missed the f2 start up so got blue screen

I restarted it again via f2 and manually deleted the quarintine list which didnt ask for a restart so i restarted it anyway and rescanned and didnt find anything, also scanned with avg which didnt find anything so think most of if not all the virus/spy/ad/malware has gone however still need to fix the i/o permissions problem.

Does anyone have any ideas? i was wondering if removing the techguys software would resolve it since it seems to be that causing the problem?

Preferably they dont want to loose anything but wont be end of world if they do. Would have done reformat and xp reinstall but no disk drive or xp disk :D

Thanks in advance for any help :-)

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