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The power to ban!!

Guest garybear

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Guest garybear

The power to ban is some thing I would never want to have. The power to ban someone from their country because they didn't agree has been going on sense the beginning of time. I'm not a big Bible fan, but I remember the story of Cain being banned for killing Able.

The internet is known for banning people for misbehaving. I understand that there must be rules followed in order to keep order on forums. Without rules there would be disorder and that would be bad.

Many are banned for spamming. I agree that spamming should not be allowed but I wonder how many don't realize they are breaking rules and are not given a second chance.

If you disagree, should you be banned?? I suppose that depends on how violently you disagree. I'm afraid it depends on who you disagree with and that's where I have a problem.

I have been banned from two forums for disagreeing with the big dogs. I understand that they must have and deserve our respect.

We all make friends when we join these forums. When we are banned, we can not communicate with these friends any more and that is a terrible feeling.

This will get me in trouble but I must say it any way.

The people that have the power to ban some times let their ego's and their feeling cloud their judgment and good people get banned and that is sad.

As I have stated, I have been banned and it really hurts.

I'm not saying this has happened on this forum but if your ego lets you read some thing in this post that's not here, then you may be guilty.

I'm not seeing some old friends posting on this forum and I'm concerned and wondering why that is.

I hope this topic will be received in the manner that was intended.

I hope all those that have this power will see that there is no ill attempt to cause trouble on this forum.

I'm just asking you to think twice before you draw your sword and cut off that next members head.

These are the feelings of a very old and windy man, who thinks he's wise but also can be very foolish some times.

I wonder how long before this gets deleted. It was on my heart and I posted it.

I'm hoping that those that have this power will reply and let their feeling be known.

I would never want to have your responsibly.

Someone has to have this job, just glad it's not me :) :)

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The one thing I disagree with is your view on spammers. My belief is that most people know that they are spamming, especially the ones who advertise shoes and purses on a forum dedicated to malware and computers. I agree that it would be a disappointment if I were to be banned from any forum, particularly this one.

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Guest garybear
The one thing I disagree with is your view on spammers. My belief is that most people know that they are spamming, especially the ones who advertise shoes and purses on a forum dedicated to malware and computers. I agree that it would be a disappointment if I were to be banned from any forum, particularly this one.

Thank you sir for your reply!!

I welcome your disagreement on spammers. I noticed that you said most people know they are spamming. That is probably very true. I'm representing those few that don't

I also would be disappointed if I were banned from this forum. I hope I'm given a warning first so I can plead my case :) :)

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Guest garybear
Maybe a good reason to read this again (or possibily the first time):


My experience as an Admin and a Moderator: no discussion in public section about descissions made.


Thank you for that sir. I'm just wondering how many members have read that before they post on this forum. I believe in having things out in the open. You do not have to justify why you make decisions but some times it would be nice not to act like our politicians. I hope I'm not disagreeing in a manner that gets me banned :) :)

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Thank you sir for your reply!!

I welcome your disagreement on spammers. I noticed that you said most people know they are spamming. That is probably very true. I'm representing those few that don't

I also would be disappointed if I were banned from this forum. I hope I'm given a warning first so I can plead my case :) :)

Those few people who do not know that they are spamming would most likely be warned first instead of an immediate ban. It would probably be something minor such as links to their websites in their signatures. Those links would simply be removed and the members would be warned.

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Guest garybear
Those few people who do not know that they are spamming would most likely be warned first instead of an immediate ban. It would probably be something minor such as links to their websites in their signatures. Those links would simply be removed and the members would be warned.

Hello sir!! With all due respect. My friend was banned and no reason given and no warning. It is not my intention to cause trouble here. I felt I owed him this post. I really hope that your reply is practiced of this forum because I believe it is the right thing to do.

Thank you for your reply friend!! :) :)

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Hello sir!! With all due respect. My friend was banned and no reason given and no warning. It is not my intention to cause trouble here. I felt I owed him this post. I really hope that your reply is practiced of this forum because I believe it is the right thing to do.

Thank you for your reply friend!! :) :)

I do not know what the circumstances were for that so I do not have a logical explanation as to why that happened to him. If you read the Suspect Users topic in Honorary Members, it is how spam links in signatures are dealt with.


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Guest garybear
I do not know what the circumstances were for that so I do not have a logical explanation as to why that happened to him. If you read the Suspect Users topic in Honorary Members, it is how spam links in signatures are dealt with.


I suppose I don't have to answer to every reply. I have read some of Suspect Users but to tell the truth not my favorite thing to read :) Could not find my friend there. It has been cleared up by my good friend here on the forum and every thing is cool.

Thanks for your reply friend!!

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since I've taken an Admin job at another forum I'm quickly learning how hard it is to run and maintain a forum,even though ours isn't really open yet and we don't have but a few members I now understand the hard work the Admins put in on a regular basis,there has to be some order to the mayhem or nothing would get accomplished,the rules exist for a reason

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Guest garybear
since I've taken an Admin job at another forum I'm quickly learning how hard it is to run and maintain a forum,even though ours isn't really open yet and we don't have but a few members I now understand the hard work the Admins put in on a regular basis,there has to be some order to the mayhem or nothing would get accomplished,the rules exist for a reason

Hello good friend.

If you think I'm questioning our Admins decisions they have made on this forum, then I have given the wrong impression. There has to be rules or as you have stated there would be mayhem. It is not an easy job and I never want that responsibility to make that decision to ban someone. What I'm trying to say is it is a terrible thing to be banned from your friends. I think I have been treated more that fair on this forum and I have no complaints. I recently asked a Admin to reconsider the banning of a friend and it was granted. I just wonder how many members have friends to plead their case as I did for my friend and how many Admins listen as my friend here listened. I will not revile his name, but if he reads this topic I want him to know I appreciate him. I believe in a second or maybe even a 3rd chance. Being separated from friends is a terrible thing.

I wish you well my friend on your new forum. You will soon learn that your new job will not be easy. I hope you really want this because it will really test you in many ways that you may have not even thought of.

Good luck wildman!!

Gary( PS An old man that thinks he's wise but also realizes he can be very foolish some times :D

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Your posting reminds me of a quotation by Lord Action in a letter he wrote to Bishop Mandellin 1887, and it went as follows:

"power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

One can find ample evidence of this in the Police, judges, government employees, politicians, etc.

There are exceptions, of course. ;)

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Your posting reminds me of a quotation by Lord Action in a letter he wrote to Bishop Mandellin 1887, and it went as follows:

"power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

One can find ample evidence of this in the Police, judges, government employees, politicians, etc.

There are exceptions, of course. :D

That is odd...I had to write an essay on that recently, and the quote was a little different.

"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

From Garybear's perspective, that quote works well for this topic.


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Not everyone you are used to seeing here.. and are no longer here.. were banned. Some chose to leave for reasons of their own. The ADMINs and MODs have a horrific job here just taking care of spammers. A lot of non-spammer users are warned about certain behaviors MORE THAN ONCE before they are asked to leave. A few have been DE-banned when they make amends for what got them banned in the first place.

I'm just a nobody here.. I have absolutely no power.. But I know a lot of the people that do have the power.. I have yet to see one ADMIN or MOD abuse their "power" or responsibilities for maintaining order. Many users forget that this Board is firstly, and primarily, set up for users of Malwarebytes products; paid user or not, for assistance in use of their products. This Board is a BUSINESS Board; run by a business to do their business and fulfill the business's responsibility. ALL OTHER FORUMS are here at the discretion of management to provide an area to discuss and learn and enjoy being sociable with the many users from all parts of the world. It's a gift; not a right..

Dissent.. even against management.. has happened here with NO penalty. The most recent concerning Item #15 in the EULA and more recently, "support.com".. So there IS freedom here. But ABUSE by any user is NOT tolerated.

These other forums exist, and will continue to do so, as long as more good is derived from their existence than the amount of "moderation" that is required to maintain them. 99% of the users do not read ANY of the rules or guidelines concerning these extra forums and then complain when they get their wrist slapped or a warning for doing something they are not supposed to be doing.

I speak for no one but myself and I am not employed or financially involved in any part of Malwarebytes other than as a paid lifetime user of their MBAMPro product.

Thanks for reading,


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Guest garybear

Hello my friend!

Thank you for your reply sir!!

As I have said, I have no beef against Admins. I have been treated very fair here. I do not envy our Admins jobs. It's a job I do not want.

I'm glad to hear that some members left on their own.

Some spammers are a pain in the rear and I'm not here to argue for their behavior.

I will get some flack for this but this is my opinion when I read the Suspect List.

It's kind of like some of our members try to be the first one to report spammers to AdvancedSetup.

I have seen where some spammers are given a second chance and I think that's good.

I have noticed a little bragging about reporting these spammers by a few members.

I have also seen members stand up for friends they know and defend other members and that is good.

I hate to see Suspect List become a place where some people count how many scalps they can hang on their spear and I'm not talking about Ron. Ron is doing his job

I understand that I'm a guest on this forum and I really appreciate a place to discus these kinds of things

.I want to make this perfectly clear. I'm not accusing anyone here of abusing their power.

AdvancedSetup has a tough job and I appreciate all he does.

I welcome Ron to post on this thread. I do not have one bad thing to say about Ron and I have told him that I respect him and appreciate all he does In PM's.

Ron needs all the help we can give him and I'm sure he appreciates the help he gets!! :D :D

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Guest garybear


I'm going to go a little off topic and you will see why. I have just exchanged PM's with a new friend here on the forum.

He told me he understood my passion for telling members to back up their OS. He is one of our malware fighters. He was infected by MBR root kit and lost a program called Windows Eyes because he didn't back up his OS. Yes my new friend was born blind and has just become my hero on this forum.

I don't know how many know my new friend lelenina but he has given me permission to share this on the forum.

These kind of things are what makes this a great place to meet people from all walks of life and all around the world.

This is just one example why I hate the word BAN and even though I know it has to be a tool for Admins, I hope they use it wisely.

It would break my heart to be banned for one mistake and lose my new friend lelenina.

This is my reason for starting this topic. I just want those that have the power to give a little thought before they pull the trigger.

You have my deepest respect new friend. I wish you the best lelenina.


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Guest garybear


Please read this link. It's one reason I started this thread.

It's title is Why do people spam. I think you just might find it interesting.

I'm not trying to justify spammers. There is an old saying (If it walks like a duck and looks like a duck; it's probably a duck)

I'm just not sure that always holds true for spammers.

I don't think members that look like a duck should be banned until they talk like a duck.

Just an old man saying foolish things again

You have to remember I'm old and I think I'm wise


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Spammers know exactly what they are doing, making money by spamming, either getting paid @ post or @ click every time you visit a link they have posted. All about getting it on a Google search engine. Believe me, they know. Jobs are advertised for doing this as "Data entry" jobs all over the world.

Then you have the Professional Spammers that use Bots. They put out many 1000's of spam emails and/or posts @day, some reported as many as 1,000,000 @day

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