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how to post log


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Could someone please tell me where I need to go to find out the instructions for posting my MBAM log and what thread would be the appropriate one for posting this log to. MBAM indicates I have an infected registry key called Adware Softmate and i would like to have one of the professionals evaluate whether or not is can safely be removed.

Some general questions and observations;

1. if an item is listed as infected but no action(ignore or remove) is taken before clicking Exit or Main Menu, a log file is not generated.

2. if an infected item is Removed a copy of that item is put in quarantine. can that item be restored to its original location if it is determined it is a FP?

3. where can I find instructions on using MBAM?

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Jean, my machine is performing great. I appreciate your help but I don't think running all those different scans and generating a HiJackThis log is really necessary at this time. I only wanted to know if letting MBAM remove the item it detected would be safe to do. I do not want to remove something that could negatively impact how my machine performs.

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