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I just installed Malwarebytes on my notebook and would appreciate it if someone would offer me some assistance.

I was told I did not have to make any setting changes, but I wonder if someone could tell me if my settings are alright?

I have general settings set as:

Terminate IE during removal - UNCHECKED

Automatically save and display logfile after removal - CHECKED

Anonymously report statisctics to Malwaebytes' Threat Cente - UNCHECKED

Create right click menu to scan files (content menu) - CHECKED (I don't know what this one is!!!)

The four (4) boxes below are all checked!

How are these? Are they okay?

Do I have to do anything else in order to use the Malwarebytes effectively?

Thanks for any help. (I am a senior citizen and new at this.)


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Hello alicez

Your settings look good ;)

Create right click menu to scan files (content menu) - CHECKED (I don't know what this one is!!!)

Right click on a file, folder on your desktop or in douments and a small context menu window will appear.

In the menu you'll see "Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware", click that and it will scan said file, folder, etc for infections.

Always check and update your defintions before running a scan, click the Update tab in the main menu when opening MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), click "Check for Updates", present database (defintions) version is 1361.

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Thank you. It just appears "simple" compared to other programs I have (tried to) use, which had so many boxes to check and un-check.

Is there someplace within MB where I can see when last scan was done (and possibly when last download was made)?



Hello alicez

Your settings look good ;)

Right click on a file, folder on your desktop or in douments and a small context menu window will appear.

In the menu you'll see "Scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware", click that and it will scan said file, folder, etc for infections.

Always check and update your defintions before running a scan, click the Update tab in the main menu when opening MBAM (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), click "Check for Updates", present database (defintions) version is 1361.

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