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Proxy Server - Possible Rootkit?

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My computer started freezing recently. At first, it only happened every few hours. Then it started happening everytime within 5 minutes of turning the computer on. It probably froze 7 or 8 times today. I did a Hitman scan and it said internet explorer was using a proxy server. I don't have a license for Hitman but wanted to see if anything popped up since Avast and Malwarebytes didn't find anything. I turned off the internet access to my computer and it seemed like that prevented it from freezing. Hopefully we can figure out what is wrong soon. Thanks.

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The proxy server box was not checked. My computer has gotten worse since yesterday. Now it freezes within a minute of turning the wireless internet on and sometimes almost instantly. I was able to do a Malwarebytes scan which found nothing. I can't post the log since I can't access internet on that computer. Also, now when that computer freezes and I have to do a hard shutdown, sometimes it doesn't turn on right away. When I turn it off and then attempt to turn it back on, the screen just stays black and the Windows screen never shows up. After numerous attempts it will turn back on. However, this screen has popped up a few times:

Phoenix Trusted Core

BIOS v. 1.70

Fixed Disk 0: Toshiba MK1234GSX


Mouse Initialized

System Configuration Data Updated


Resource Conflict: PCI Serial Bus Controller on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:01


Resource Conflict: PCI Mass Storage Controller on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:02

Error Resource Conflict: PCI on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:03

At this point, I'm wondering if there is something internally wrong with the computer as opposed to a virus. I'm thinking about just trying to restore everything to factory settings. I've had to do that in the past and it usually only takes 4 or 5 hours. It's just a pain to have to re-download and re-install all my programs after that but it may be better than doing a bunch of scans that may not find anything (so far MBam, Avast, and TDSSKiller found nothing). I won't do anything until I hear back from you.

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Hi "The Biz",

After seeing those error messages, I no longer think your problem is malware related.

I researched those messages:

Fixed Disk 0: Toshiba MK1234GSX


Mouse Initialized

System Configuration Data Updated


Resource Conflict: PCI Serial Bus Controller on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:01


Resource Conflict: PCI Mass Storage Controller on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:02

Error Resource Conflict: PCI on Motherboard

Bus:07 Device:06 Function:03

and saw a related topic here that advises resdting the BIOS to default. That's a far easier measure than what you describe but it unfortunately didn't solve the poster's problem:


It sounds like a factory reset may be in order, although I understand that process is time consuming and a major annoyance. However, troubleshooting and removing malware today can take much longer than 4 - 5 hours.

One last troubleshooting effort I can recommend, before initiating a factory reset is posting your problem in the General Computer Problems forum at SpywareHammer:


There are many very talented and very knowledgeable people at SpywareHammer who may be able to help suggest an easier alternative so you avoid the dreaded factory reset operation!!!

You can also provide a link to this topic if you want, should you decide to go ahead with some additional troubleshooting.

Good Luck to you!!

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