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Thanks for a great product!

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I registered just to post how pleased I am with Malwarebytes. I provide free tech support to my senior citizen friends. Saturday evening I got a call from one who from the description had picked up some malware earlier in the day. I walked her through some things over the phone but nothing worked. I mentioned the problem to someone and he said. "Why not try Malwarebytes?". I downloaded it to a flash drive and I also downloaded the definitions because her computer couldn't connect to the internet. Sunday, I went to see the notebook. I plugged in my drive, installed Malwarebytes and set it to do a complete scan. It took about 20 minutes and found 25 assorted trojans and rootkits. It could clean all but about three or four and said it would do that with a reboot. I rebooted and her computer is now well behaved. I couldn't believe how easily it worked and how well it cleaned up the mess.

She was impressed and bought the software. I'm sure she will mention how well it works to others.

I went home, told my husband how great it works and installed and purchased a copy for his computer. (I'm tech support at our house so if he has problems, it is my headache!) For myself, I mainly surf in linux. If I used windows more, I'd buy a copy for my computers too.

Some products are well worth the money and this is one of them!!! :)

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Hi plodr and welcome to Malwarebytes. Your friend with the rootkits, needs to be told there is never a guarantee they are removed. Any banking or credit card info she had on the machine has been compromised and must be deal with. Passwords all need changing for all she has. A reformat is the only way to be sure of rootkit removal.

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