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Java Script Virus?

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This morning I was working on a project and went to download a file from a usually trustworthy source. (w w w. r e v i t c i t y . c o m -- DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VISIT!) Upon launching the site the browser froze, and closes within a fraction of a second with a message saying that the program no longer was responding. A split second later the computer completely turned off.

When I tried to restart I was able to get to the log in menu but several seconds later the graphics card went haywire and the blue screen of death was generated. I then attempted to start windows in safe mode. I'm able to log onto an account for a very brief (5-10 seconds) period of time before the same thing happens.

I've tried repaing windows, restoring windows etc... no luck.

Google now warns of the above mentioned website.

Since I do not have access to windows to install any .exe files or other software I loaded ubuntu with Avast to a USB disk and booted directly. No problems launching Linux or the AV software. I scanned the entire machine. Nothing came up. Tried to reload windows in both normal and safe mode... No luck.

Hoping someone here has some crafty ideas.

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I'm no so sure this is caused by an infection. I'd like to know the information that's displayed on the blue screen.

Disable automatic restart at the Advanced Options Menu.

  1. When your computer starts, start pressing F8 repeatedly.
  2. At the Advanced Menu Options screen, select Disable automatic restart on system failure, then press ENTER.
  3. Next, select the Windows XP as the operating system to start, then press ENTER.
  4. When the blue screen appears, write down the STOP title and the technical information.

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