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Dood, Ai iz notz sayin

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I'm afraid to ask. :)

I did a post on that site here once Buttons.. It's where people post pix of their cats (and now other pets) and can add quotes, etc, to them.. I think the URL is at the bottom of that "ice" picture in the post I did..


EDIT: Bottom left corner = domain

Edited by ShyWriter
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That is an Otter Mt, cute lil rascals that survive mostly on fish but hunt and eat young Beavers sometimes ;):D

Cute one Steve!

I'll trust you on their beauty and cuteness Wayne; I couldn't tell a cute one from an ugly one if you paid me 100 grams of gold. :D

Although I *have* dated women in my younger years that could turn that ice bath into a steam bath bypassing the wet water part. *BIG GRIN*

Don't they whack clams on a rock to get at the goodies inside too?? Otters, I mean.. (Yeah; knew a few girls like that too.. *wry smile*)


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That is an Otter Mt, cute lil rascals that survive mostly on fish but hunt and eat young Beavers sometimes ;):D

Cute one Steve!

Oh, okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. Cute pic all in all!

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I'll trust you on their beauty and cuteness Wayne; I couldn't tell a cute one from an ugly one if you paid me 100 grams of gold. :)

Although I *have* dated women in my younger years that could turn that ice bath into a steam bath bypassing the wet water part. *BIG GRIN*

Don't they whack clams on a rock to get at the goodies inside too?? Otters, I mean.. (Yeah; knew a few girls like that too.. *wry smile*)


That is what the Sea Otters do Steve, lay a rock on their chest and whack clams and Sea Urchins on it. The River Otters have a different diet as i mentioned.

We have both here and they are real little characters, they do not endear themselves to peeps who have fish ponds and nice fat dumb Koi ;)

There is an old book named "Ring of bright water" by Gavin Maxwell about his raising Otters in a remote area of Scotland, really good book! I think a movie was also made around 1969 but the book is better.

Now about those wimmen........... :D


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That is what the Sea Otters do Steve, lay a rock on their chest and whack clams and Sea Urchins on it. The River Otters have a different diet as i mentioned.

We have both here and they are real little characters, they do not endear themselves to peeps who have fish ponds and nice fat dumb Koi ;)

There is an old book named "Ring of bright water" by Gavin Maxwell about his raising Otters in a remote area of Scotland, really good book! I think a movie was also made around 1969 but the book is better.

Now about those wimmen........... :)


I'll take a look and see if our library has a copy of the book Wayne; Thanks for the info.. I was thinking as I was reading your earlier message about the fish and beaver diet last night (early, EARLY this AM eastern) that only a otter could wake up enjoying beaver breath and I starting chuckling inside so hard, if you catch my drift, there were tears in my eyes. ikzM9.gif

As for "those wimmen......"; at our age, they are now at OUR AGE.. Not to be sexist (I don't need the trouble :D) but we men age like fine wine.. and most women don't. :D;)

~Shy (and scarce for a reason) :)

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