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Hidden files are showing and seemly werid


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At one time you must have right moused clicked on your taskbar, brought up - properties - Taskbar and Start Menu Properties - and pressed the Advanced tab below, and unchecked or checked some boxs by default are hidden from the user. So please leave them alone example: My Computer, Display as a Link, Control Panel - Display or Hide.... I would just leave them..... see the screenshot below Another way would have been to Open My Computer - Tools - drop down to Folder Options The view tab... at some point in time someone wanted to see these files .. see screenshot two.... regards....

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At one time you must have right moused clicked on your taskbar, brought up - properties - Taskbar and Start Menu Properties - and pressed the Advanced tab below, and unchecked or checked some boxs by default are hidden from the user. So please leave them alone example: My Computer, Display as a Link, Control Panel - Display or Hide.... I would just leave them..... see the screenshot below Another way would have been to Open My Computer - Tools - drop down to Folder Options The view tab... at some point in time someone wanted to see these files .. see screenshot two.... regards....

Thank you, that fixed it. :)

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