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Old enough to remember ?


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Are you old enough to remember what you were doing 47 years ago today? November 22, 1963, it has been 47 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Most on this forum were not even born yet. I still remember being in school when they gave us the bad news and watching it on the old black-and-white television set. Time sure goes by fast.

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Are you old enough to remember what you were doing 47 years ago today? November 22, 1963, it has been 47 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Most on this forum were not even born yet. I still remember being in school when they gave us the bad news and watching it on the old black-and-white television set. Time sure goes by fast.

I was home on leave from the USAF at my Dad's duty station in Atlanta, Georgia, (Fort McPherson) trying to take a nap, with the radio on playing music, when the news broke in with the "Shots Fired"... Still gives me the shivers..


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Are you old enough to remember what you were doing 47 years ago today? November 22, 1963, it has been 47 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Most on this forum were not even born yet. I still remember being in school when they gave us the bad news and watching it on the old black-and-white television set. Time sure goes by fast.

I had been in a remote mountain hunting camp for a few days. When i came out of the bush it was to shocking and sad news.

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I was in school and couldn't believe it.So upsetting.

I also remember my mom sending us to school on the 25th. I had heard there was no school because it was the day of his burial. She had not heard the news so off we went walking, there and back. She was so busy she still had not heard and wondered why we had come back. I had her turn on the tv.....

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