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How much is too much?


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I have a quick question to see if I may be going a little overboard with my anitvirus and spyware programs. I know to only run one a/v and one firewall at once (using Avira and ZoneAlarm), but what about the number of spyware programs? I am currently running Malwarebytes, SpyWare Blaster, SpyBot S/D, ThreatFire and SuperantiSpyware! Is this overkill?? Thank you for your input!!

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I have a quick question to see if I may be going a little overboard with my anitvirus and spyware programs. I know to only run one a/v and one firewall at once (using Avira and ZoneAlarm), but what about the number of spyware programs? I am currently running Malwarebytes, SpyWare Blaster, SpyBot S/D, ThreatFire and SuperantiSpyware! Is this overkill?? Thank you for your input!!

I run MBAMPro and SASPro in real time on my system. Along with Vipre anti-virus and OnlineArmor firewall in real time.. And CCleaner on demand. If you want to run all that stuff, just run MBAM and SAS in realtime along with Avira and ZA, of course; and the others on-demand.. My 2 cents.. :lol:


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I think that's fine :lol:

What OS are you running?

Also you should check out HostsMan, I can give you more info later on that :lol:

Are you currently getting your machine cleaned though? You need to finish that first if you are, before making any changes to your computer!!

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I don't really know of one.

SpyBot is free and has realtime protection, but these days it doesn't do much good as definitions are only updated once a week last I knew, and the realtime protection tends to run heavy on system resources. It is an option though, if you want it.

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Hi jeffce :lol:

I'm also running superantispyware pro in real-time plus malwarebytes pro.:lol: Personally, I would drop Spybot and Threatfire. Threatfire is more of a resource hog and sits and does nothing. There isn't much else other then Spybot for free real-time antispyware other then Spyware Terminator(rather junk and former rogue)which does nothing more then waste more resources.:lol:

Currently I'm running Clamwin for antivirus with Clam Sentinel(gives clamwin real-time protection), Privatefirewall, WinPatrol Plus, Sandboxie Pro and SAS/MBAM Pro.

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Thanks for the input. I am presently using SpyBot S/D. I had ThreatFire for about 2 days and it really does slow my system down a lot. Now just running Avira, ZoneAlarm, SpywareBlaster and Spybot S/D....I also have SAS on command. I work with what I can, but I am now looking for a better firewall than ZoneAlarm.

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I think that's fine :)

What OS are you running?

Also you should check out HostsMan, I can give you more info later on that :D

Are you currently getting your machine cleaned though? You need to finish that first if you are, before making any changes to your computer!!

Got my computer fixed and was wondering what HostsMan was? :)

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Glad to hear that your computer is well now :D

Certainly :lol:

Some background information on the host file:




HostsMan basically is a hosts-file manager, that you can choose different sources to get your definitions from. It blocks based on website address, for example it will let you view forums.malwarebytes.org but not www.somebadsitewithmalware.com

You can make exceptions if you find that it is blocking something that you know is safe.

Another plus, but not its main function, it blocks the majority of picture & flash-based ads, which I really like.

Some people have found trouble using it in Vista & 7, however others have no problems with it at all on those operating systems.

You probably don't want to run it at work (depending on computer policy at your workplace) and also I am not sure if it is allowed according to the EULA, but I think you can use it in a business environment. I could find out for you if you're interested and if it turns out that you are allowed to use at your workplace.

If you are interested in using HostsMan at all, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to walk you through it :)

Please try to use the add-reply button in the future! :)

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Ok thanks M/Tree!! Im definitely going to check that out. My home computers use Vista but at work we use XP so maybe it will work well there. Thanks you so much.

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