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redirecting virus

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a few weeks ago i had a message, after logged in on ebay, from what it seemed to be from ebay's team, requesting to give my bank account info and even my ATM codes!!!! I realized that most certainly my laptop was being hijacked. I ran Malwarebytes and scanned with Avast and nothing was found. Since then, I've been redirected everytime i use IE. Google gives a message saying that my computer is sending automated requests and asks me to type the characters to prove i'm human!!!Nowadays i am not able to use this laptop anymore...It its a 9" notebook with windows XP. Is there a way to clean this without needing to reformat the disk? i read that Sophos is a good anti rootkit virus, but because i'm redirected to other sites everytime i search, i was not able to download and try it.

i'd appreciate some support here. thanks.

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