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Hi, i am new to this forum and first i like to say thanks for all the help you guys provide.

my proplem is that i cannot log in to my homepage (Google).i have it in tools, option, but

when i log on its microft who directs me to http://ca.msn.com/?lang=en-ca&OCID=FW79805

than i click homepage and i have google.if i use firefox there is no proplem.streight to Google.

also today i tried a german side as homepage ,no proplem either i can switch to any side but google

the proplem started around the time i was asked to upgrade windows live.today i checked in

add and remove to do a repair,did not work.so i am thinking of uninstalling win live and reinstall.

i have scannt my pc with differant programs but find nothing.inc adaware malweresbyts,

superantispyware.trojanhunter ,cwshredder,trenthouscall and more.

i am running xp mce serv 2.i also ubgraded yesterday to explorer 8.

i use AVG free V 9.0.864

i was told i had to abgrade to avg_free_stb_all_2011_1152_upgrade.exe

wich i did.the trouble started about 5-6 days after so i reverted back to v9

i am wondering if this is the culprid.

i am hoping someone here has any ideas.


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Hi and Welcome 2006 -

The redirects may be caused by several items (not all infections) To be sure we can check your system for you -

As we do not work on Malware removal or diagnostics in the general forums please follow these directions -

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Thank You - :welcome:

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