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PC Tools?

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On July 31, 2010, I posted a question regarding the fact that I was having problems updating the Malawarebytes Anti-Malware. Specifically, I was receiving error code 732 (0,0).

I later received information on this forum regarding how to fix the problem.

Unfortunately, I did not use the information posted on the forum until August 14, 2010.

In using the forum's information on 08/14/2010 re how to correct the update problem, I was somehow linked to a section regarding PC Tools. Is PC Tools related to Malwarebytes? Does PC Tools work in conjunction with Malawarebytes Anti-Malware?

Thank you for your kind help!!


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Hi Tom -

There is no way that Malwarebytes is related in any to PC Tools - You will find that company (and several others) place downloads deceptively -

This is only due to the way PC Tools places their advertising in and around most security download pages -

Next you will also find ads that also say 'check your system here first' - Again , not 100% fake , but very misleading advertising -

We are sorry if you got caught by these , but many do due to the reasons I stated above -

Thank You -

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