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Help! Antivirus 8


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Antivirus 8 is giving me a headache. I have read some of the fixes. It looks like someone hit the button to download the "software", although nobody will admit it! As soon as I got home, which was probably an hour after being infected, I ran malwarebytes, (I think I still have a current subscription) and it found 2 infected files. But while MBAM completed the scan, it could not complete the list and quarantine the problem.

I have tried changing the name MBAM.exe to Winlog.exe, not allowed. I downloaded http:\\live.sysinternals.com\procexp.exe, I am not allowed to run the program.

This might be over my head, but if you can help me, I will keep my subscription forever.

(By the way, I loved your old home page, something like "looking for a date since 1999".

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