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Automatic updates


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Hello and welcome to Malwarebytes. They are scheduled to update automatically. That is the same way antivirus programs work.

Yes i Know! But i can only select one hour in the day. What i'm say is each time that an update cam's out mbam update it self like nod32 by example.

I hope you understand my bad english,


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Sorry, at this time MBAM doesn't do auto updates. It is not an antivirus program either. I wanted to make that clear since your comparing it to one. I would imagine that feature you would like to see would be in a pay version if at all. That's how most auto updated programs work, the free one is manually updated and the paid version updates automatic.

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  • Root Admin

I do not think anti-virus products are 'automatic'. They schedule themselves probably per hour to check for updates and download them automatically. That is how our product works. However, it only does this once per day. In a few updates we will make more options like every 6 hours or every 3 hours.

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I do not think anti-virus products are 'automatic'. They schedule themselves probably per hour to check for updates and download them automatically. That is how our product works. However, it only does this once per day. In a few updates we will make more options like every 6 hours or every 3 hours.

Thanks for your answer! You understand my bad english! JeaninMontana did not! I've a paid version of your good software.

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