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What's really in the EULA you don't read.. :)

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Where have I heard that name from before?

@Mona: Thanks for that reminder Mona. I had forgotten all about that program. I just downloaded it and reinstalled it again on my computer. *wink*


Analyze license agreements for interesting words and phrases. Make sense of the nonsensical.

Making EULAs Easy

Discover if the software you're about to install displays pop-up ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much much more. EULAlyzer

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that's hilarious shy :) :)

on a serious note:

what's sad through is 99.9% percent of people don't actually read license agreements or grab the concept that it's a legally binding contract between you and the manufacturer of that software and therefor they don't have a clue of what there getting into when they click that " I Agree " button,as the cartoon is implying there could be just about anything in there and you are agreeing to it by accepting it, think of it this way you wouldn't sign any contracts with a bank or lender or otherwise without reviewing all of the terms to ensure your not getting screwed same thing here a license agreement is a digital contract and will hold up in court in almost all jurisdictions

You Should Always READ these agreements in there entirety and if you don't agree to the Terms And Conditions Don't Accept It

Cyber Security Tip ST05-005 - Reviewing End-User License Agreements


Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs


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that's hilarious shy :) :)

on a serious note:

what's sad through is 99.9% percent of people don't actually read license agreements or grab the concept that it's a legally binding contract between you and the manufacturer of that software and therefor they don't have a clue of what there getting into when they click that " I Agree " button,as the cartoon is implying there could be just about anything in there and you are agreeing to it by accepting it, think of it this way you wouldn't sign any contracts with a bank or lender or otherwise without reviewing all of the terms to ensure your not getting screwed same thing here a license agreement is a digital contract and will hold up in court in almost all jurisdictions

You Should Always READ these agreements in there entirety and if you don't agree to the Terms And Conditions Don't Accept It

Cyber Security Tip ST05-005 - Reviewing End-User License Agreements


Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs


I'm just as guilty as the next person on that bad habit. That's mainly why I reloaded EULAlyzer

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