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New to MBAM

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I'm a reseller & computer engineer, I spend much of my time cleaning up computers.

I found MBAM a week or so ago after some mention on Wilders & must say that I've found the product to be excellent. Although I sometimes use manual tools (eg combofix etc), I prefer to use a package to clean malware as it's quicker for the end user & I can often leave the package installed for them to choose to buy.

In the past, I've use Superantispyware & PrevxCSI but both of these products can find FPs & delete essential files which sometimes result in a rebuild (grrr). I like MBAM as it's not (yet) put me in that position & it's managed to removed some nasties for me. MBAM is now part of my toolkit & I've applied to be a reseller for the product.

I'd like to ask a few questions....

Does MBAM full version work well with Nod32 v2.7 & the newer version Eset Anti-virus v3.x? (I currently install Nod32 or Eset AV with Prevx2 for my customers)

Does MBAM run well on a domain network, specifically can it connect for updates via the ISA 2004 firewall client without tweaking ISA rules?

Should my toolkit include both MBAM and RR? I read in some places that MBAM has replaced RR.

Are there any plans for a portable version of MBAM?


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Does MBAM full version work well with Nod32 v2.7 & the newer version Eset Anti-virus v3.x? (I currently install Nod32 or Eset AV with Prevx2 for my customers)

Unfortunately I can't answer the other questions but I can answer this one. I have used MBAM with both NOD32 2.7 and 3.x and haven't had any issues whatsoever.

Just my 2 cents.

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Hi Biscuit and welcome to Malwarebytes. I'll answer your questions the best I can.

1. We know of no conflicts from any AV programs. Our personal favorite to run along side MBAM is Avira from Antivir.

2. At this time, we do not have the corp version that runs on a server and pushes out to workstations up and running. It is in the works.

3. MBAM has not replaced RR. RR offers a permanent site block feature that MBAM does not at this time. More planned for the future there also.

4 Many users have requested a portable version and down the road that is a possibility.

No program is ever going to be completely free of false positives or other bugs. That's just the nature of the beast. MBAM protects against deleting vital files by making the user choose to remove, however, they can still choose to remove a good file. Hope I have answered your questions.

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Regarding the ISA client question, I meant whether MBAM authenticate correctly with the proxy (specifically ISA 2004 client) to get updates? Several security products are not able to do this.

I do not see any proxy settings in MBAM. Marcin may have to answer this one.

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I pasted your question to nosirrah and that was what he said. I understand it that no MBAM does not use a proxy but will in the near future, do what you want in the corporate version that is being made. Hopefully Marcin will see this and and answer.

I haven't heard from Marcin in the last couple of days. I wonder if he's taking some time off...

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