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Registry Scanning

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I am currently using the free version of MalwareBytes but looking into the

corporate licensing since we have 25+ terminals at our company. My

question before I get involved with corporate licensing is I need to know

whether or not this software scans all registry entries for all users on a

computer. For example on one of our Windows 2003 terminal servers we have

30+ users and we had an infection, I ran the scan as administrator and it

cleaned it, however do I need to run the scan under each individual user

to clear out individual user registry entries?


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Welcome -

Please contact Corporate @ malwarebytes for details on running company systems operations -

Our EULA prevents the use of the program unless licensed , in company situations - Management can assist you with this -

Thank You -

Thanks for your reply, I have shot over 2 emails to the corporate support email and no response. My question is so simple, I just don't get it? This question is what determines whether or not we buy multiple licenses on this product and I find it hard to believe that nobody can say yes or no? I am starting to think this is a bad move corporate wise if simple questions are not capable of being answered.

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