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A few days ago my mother IMed me asking for virus protection because each time she went to click on a search result from Google in IE, she was taken to some strange website.

My first thought was to try this product as it was recommended to me by Tarun from www.lunarsoft.net.

I was surprised in how simplistic yet awesomely effective this software was.

It took a few minutes to scan and detected several trojans, rootkits and the Vundo virus. I was using 1.26.

After I rebooted my mother's laptop remotely, she did not come back online MSN immediately.

I stepped away from my PC for an hour or so and when I came back she had IMed me and gone offline.

She said that all of her virus problems were gone and she was able to browse the Internet without issue.

She immediately got rid of McAfee and Spyware Doctor.

I am looking forward to future releases of this product.



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She immediately got rid of McAfee and Spyware Doctor.

She should not use computer w/o antivirus protection. Also firewall + antispyware might be good thing to have too :unsure:It should also be remembered that no single product catches 100% of the malware. So ditching McAfee because of such single incident may not be the wisest choice IMHO.

Also patching OS/Java etc. play a key role in keeping PC safe online.

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She should not use computer w/o antivirus protection. Also firewall + antispyware might be good thing to have too ;)It should also be remembered that no single product catches 100% of the malware. So ditching McAfee because of such single incident may not be the wisest choice IMHO.

Also patching OS/Java etc. play a key role in keeping PC safe online.

My mother rarely gets infection because she is cautious about which sites she goes to and what they prompt her to execute.

I realize no single product is 100% effective. I've been into internet security for the past 5 years. I frequently visit sites such as:



However, I would rather she use a program like this than McAfee, Symantec or Norton. :unsure:

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MBAM is not an anti virus program and she needs both. Try Avira or Avast both are free and good programs. You need an antivirus with MBAM.

My mother rarely gets infections.

I do not appreciate you telling me what my mother needs.

I am fully aware of what good freeware anti-virus products are available.

I have an excellent knowledge of what are recognizable Windows files and what are suspicious. I have been doing this for years.

You do not need anti-virus, either. What you need is a good hardware firewall and secure software like Firefox, virtualization software, PeerGuardian, etc.

The best thing is to avoid getting infected in the first place.


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Well Vundo is not a virus, so your excellent knowledge failed you there.

The only thing you have said that is an absolute truth is avoid getting infected in the first place.

Dictionary - Virus

4. a segment of self-replicating code planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a system or network.

The Vundo virus recreates malicious files unless you kill its core. When you're infected with it, you notice unusual and annoying behavior on your PC.

Having said that, it is a virus.

I came here to say thank you, not be pestered by a moderator. I think your status on this forum requires re-evaluation.

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  • 3 months later...

Last week prior to the holidays my team leader at work brought his personal laptop in stating he wanted to wipe it and start fresh because of viruses. They had disabled his Administrator access to Task Manager and Regedit.

He was using Norton 360 on Vista but obviously it wasn't doing what it is supposed to so I recommended him to use MBAM.

One pass and a reboot later he was trojan and virus free and had access to Task Manager again. However, the damage to his Administrator security privileges had been done but fortunately he was able to resolve it by applying a VBScript.


Scroll down to where you will see an attachment for a VBS file.

Anyway, another MBAM FTW! Thanks again.



PS: Who knows, perhaps in a future version you could implement a feature to have certain scripts run that would resolve similar access issues caused by viruses.

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