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Great work team..........


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After installing several rogues the last 48 hours or so, I was so impressed with how well MBAM worked I decided to give it a quick review.

Nothing too technical really, just an over all impression of how well it removed all files with ease.

I've blogged it and posted in my place too.

Good job team, keep up the good work.

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Great, thank you :unsure:.
You're quite welcome.

I've currently got the same set of files running and I'm going to scan with Spybot & Ad-Aware for giggles and grins.

I'll post here how they do.

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You're quite welcome.

I've currently got the same set of files running and I'm going to scan with Spybot & Ad-Aware for giggles and grins.

I'll post here how they do.

I'm afraid Spybot didn't fare too well at all

I didn't get the same payload, but based on what it did find, I'm not encouraged it would have found what I got first run with MBAM.

Ad-Aware's up next.

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Last nite I ran amok granting installs left and right and got a decent amount of stuffage.

However in this run the 4 scanners performed pretty admirably.

See here

Btw, I've got all the info as to what was added, modified and so forth if anyone wants it.

Didn't really bother much with file collection as most had already been scanned already @ VT.

The next few days, time permitting, may encompass some Vundo running.

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The next few days, time permitting, may encompass some Vundo running.
Well I was able to run a Vundo file last nite and also allowed some more rogues which I hadn't installed yet.

Wound up with quite a mess, see here.

Spybot froze, Ad-Aware couldn't connect to the server to update and SAS....well...not sure wtf happened there after a promising detection log. But the box wouldn't boot normally after allowing SAS to remove what it found. so I wound up rescanning with MBAM and removed a pile of more stuff, most of which I'd thought SAS had removed, and then the box booted fine.

Couple of files ComboFix found tho, but I've not posted that info yet.

I've not done any sort of anti-spyware stuff with scanners in a long time and it's clear to me that Ad-Aware & Spybot are both lacking in detection, tho I've not tried any removal with either yet.

And OMG.....could Ad-Aware logs be any longer? Can't believe their still producing 2 million character long logs with mostly not so useful info. Not to mention the time both Ad-Aware and Spybot take to scan a machine.

I've always liked MBAM since it's inception, based mostly on the track record RubbyDucky has had with other previous killer tools he developed, but I'm gaining an entirely new respect for the developers on the team.

Keep it up.

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That's nice Tom, and now we can point the nay sayers to credible testing and removal. Give the active protection a whirl next time. See how well it stops known injection sites etc.
Yeah, I am definitely going to get to that. Will maybe play some more on how another a-s app detects tho, maybe SpySweeper.
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