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Don't know where to post this so I'll post it here.

MBAM is constantly blocking websites, it usually blocks 1 every few minutes. Is this normal or is it possible I have some kind of virus downloader and MBAM keeps blocking it. I have no problems on my computer but im just wondering why it is doing it.

I have done a full scan and there are 0 infections, any ideas?

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Hi Mathew94,

Are you running p2p programs like Limewire, Froistwire, Utorrent ect? Most of the time these cause numerous ip blocks as they are using malicious domains. If you are using those, I recommend removing as they are host massive amounts of malware. Plus pirated software which downloading is illegal and not right.

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Hi Mathew94,

Are you running p2p programs like Limewire, Froistwire, Utorrent ect? Most of the time these cause numerous ip blocks as they are using malicious domains. If you are using those, I recommend removing as they are host massive amounts of malware. Plus pirated software which downloading is illegal and not right.

Yes I am running utorrent so that is probably it. Thanks for the quick reply. Its a good job I bought MBAM

BTW I'm only downloading a Led Zep bootleg so no guilty consciences here :)

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