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Help! Stupid Malware driving me nuts!


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Hi Guys,

I'm sure this has been covered in here before, i had a look but couldn't see it.

I have malware.

My Malwarebytes scan will not pick it up and consistently returns a clean result.

My AVG Free scan doesn't see anything either.

My symptoms are:

I only use FF,.

When i open a new page, in a new tab or a new window, the page that opens is some random advertising spam page, usually adultfriendfinder, party poker or something similar.

This happens about 50% of the time.

It's driving me crazy.

Im trying to do my university work here and its urgent that i fix it..

Any advice!?

Help! I'm about to head butt my screen.

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Guys,

I'm sure this has been covered in here before, i had a look but couldn't see it.

I have malware.

My Malwarebytes scan will not pick it up and consistently returns a clean result.

My AVG Free scan doesn't see anything either.

My symptoms are:

I only use FF,.

When i open a new page, in a new tab or a new window, the page that opens is some random advertising spam page, usually adultfriendfinder, party poker or something similar.

This happens about 50% of the time.

It's driving me crazy.

Im trying to do my university work here and its urgent that i fix it..

Any advice!?

Help! I'm about to head butt my screen.

Thanks in advance.


EDIT: OF. This is it: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...c=60569&hl=


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