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Hello detsi: :)

MBAM and MSE go together nicely, I have been using it for a while now. As with any other security product you need to include proper exclusions for MBAM in MSE. Please review and follow instructions outlined in Section I, Post #9 here. Should you have any other question(s) kindly post back

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Thank you both for you replies.

With regards to "Please review and follow instructions outlined in Section I, Post #9 here. " It appears that this refers only to real time protection which is not relevant to me as I am using the free addition. Am I correct?

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With regards to "Please review and follow instructions outlined in Section I, Post #9 here. " It appears that this refers only to real time protection which is not relevant to me as I am using the free addition. Am I correct?

Yes you are correct - These items are always pointed out just for "safety and information" -

Thank You -

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