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After cleaning computer unusable

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After using malwarebytes to clean XP Antivirus 2008 off of two systems neither of them will connect to the network nor will they allow anything to be installed. Any installation receives a microsoft installer error. Removing and reinstalling the installer does not fix the problem. Ended up reimaging the systems which should have been done to start with and save a lot of time but I had heard good things about malwarebytes and wanted to give it a try. Sorry guys, your software is worthless.

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Before you come in here and start blasting is with "You have worthless software", you should know that MalwareBytes' as fixed and removed infections from thousands and possibly millions of computers without a single problem. Why your computers had problems, we don't know, and never will since you re-imaged them. So next time before you come in here and blast us with worthless info, you could post the problem, and someone will be able to help.

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After using malwarebytes to clean XP Antivirus 2008 off of two systems neither of them will connect to the network nor will they allow anything to be installed. Any installation receives a microsoft installer error. Removing and reinstalling the installer does not fix the problem. Ended up reimaging the systems which should have been done to start with and save a lot of time but I had heard good things about malwarebytes and wanted to give it a try. Sorry guys, your software is worthless.

I have been using MalwareBytes on all of my customers workstations and it has worked great. In all honesty this product has worked 100 times better than any other bundle of software i have spent hundreds of dollars on. You have to take into considertation that just because you remove a infection it doesnt neccessarly mean your PC is going just be back to 100%. Scanners are ment to find and help you remove the software not fix any problems the infection may have caused internally. It takes hundreds of man hours to develop a legitimate program, and this program in particular they are giving out to you for. What seems to be worthless at this point and time is your mind. Its a shame that you are unwilling to actually take what you can get from this software and then apply your own knowledge to work out the rest of the kinks you are having with your PC.

I have delt with XP Antivirus and after the removal I had a few other things to work on to get my workstation running smooth. At the most it took me an hour to diagnose the problem and move on. MalwareBytes is simply to help you diagnose your problem and help in the removal process and NOT to take the place of your mind and do all of the work for you. It's free.....think before you speak out loud.

I will continue to use this software as it hasnt failed me yet.

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After using malwarebytes to clean XP Antivirus 2008 off of two systems neither of them will connect to the network nor will they allow anything to be installed. Any installation receives a microsoft installer error. Removing and reinstalling the installer does not fix the problem. Ended up reimaging the systems which should have been done to start with and save a lot of time but I had heard good things about malwarebytes and wanted to give it a try. Sorry guys, your software is worthless.

You have nothing to show MBAM did the damage to your machines. Nor what was the cause of lack of connection. Most likely it was something the malware did certainly not MBAM. Pointless accusations are just that, pointless. Truly sounds like your lack of knowledge was the root of the problem not MBAM. The MS installer is an easy fix and so is the broken LSP for connection.

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After using malwarebytes to clean XP Antivirus 2008 off of two systems neither of them will connect to the network nor will they allow anything to be installed. Any installation receives a microsoft installer error. Removing and reinstalling the installer does not fix the problem. Ended up reimaging the systems which should have been done to start with and save a lot of time but I had heard good things about malwarebytes and wanted to give it a try. Sorry guys, your software is worthless.

So in this case which software do you recommend?

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dear lucas mc cain, next time when you think to have something wrong on your pc, post on the forum before delete files that can be also false positive, remember that, never delete any file, just keep it in quarantine, right down in the forum and then we will see. When a file goes in quarantine will not give problems and you have all the time to study it and see if is a virus or a false positive. Did you understand this very important matter?

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After using malwarebytes to clean XP Antivirus 2008 off of two systems neither of them will connect to the network nor will they allow anything to be installed. Any installation receives a microsoft installer error. Removing and reinstalling the installer does not fix the problem. Ended up reimaging the systems which should have been done to start with and save a lot of time but I had heard good things about malwarebytes and wanted to give it a try. Sorry guys, your software is worthless.


I agree with you.. Junk software! Worthless crap! Smitfraudfix is another BS junk software too..

The people that know all about this stuff are the very people creating the virus software.. You're all arseholes!!

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I agree with you.. Junk software! Worthless crap! Smitfraudfix is another BS junk software too..

The people that know all about this stuff are the very people creating the virus software.. You're all arseholes!!

Can you be more specific on what you mean by Junk?

Many of us that know about this stuff aren't the ones writing it, sorry. We're on your side, trying to help you and many others recover from the nasties, and prevent them in some cases.

Your own ignorance I'm afraid will most likely be your undoing online.

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I agree with you.. Junk software! Worthless crap! Smitfraudfix is another BS junk software too..

The people that know all about this stuff are the very people creating the virus software.. You're all arseholes!!

Smitfraudfix is a most excellent tool and has saved literally millions from Zlob trojan AKA Smitfraud. In the hands of people that don't know how to use it, most likely such as yourself, it may indeed become useless and can in fact ruin a machine. If you have experienced some sort of problem with MBAM and can provide any sort of credible substance to back that up, then please post your details in a new thread, in this forum so that it may be addressed in an adult and professional manner.

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