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Random Popups

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So I was basically redirected to start a new topic even though we had the same problem on a diffrent one, cool..

Anyways, so recently I had the malware Antivirus Pro, I eventually got rid of it through Hijack This, AVG, Spybot S&D, as well as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.. I'm pretty sure it's gone regarding the 18 scans I ran..

Anyways to the problem!

Recently there has been some random popups to random sites occuring every so often, a site included is Http://www.google.com/webhp

I'm guessing this is a malware virus? Who knows.. Maybe spyware...

To the point: it also brought me to other websites

I made sure I wasn't using a proxy server as when I had Antivirus Pro it made me use...

Annnnd well I kinda want to make this stupid machine virus free :) Help would be amazing :)

Also: I'd appreciate you not send the copied and pasted version of it, and rather have direct help. As well as stuff that works... So far the fogless or whatever thing doesnt seem to be working for anyone else.....

Anyways- I would greately appreciate help as none of my AV are coming up with anything




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