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Installation tool


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This is about installations that are troublesome. Like downloading that monstrous SP3 for XP or big security suites. I could do with a tool that would halt all programs except those few functions that are necessary for a major installation. Something that will shut everything down except those few OS programs that are needed for difficult downloads. It's not very often you need such a tool but there are occations when an installation must be slipped in totally undisturbed.

Is there a recommendable tool around somewhere? It also crossed my mind that this feature could be a candidate for a future development of StartUpLite? So that one can keep the PC in ultra lite mode until the installation is complete.

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Very rare I come across these, but I usually either;

1. Install in Safe Mode

2. Shutdown all running programs and unnecessary processes, prior to running the installation (ala SP3)

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Very rare I come across these, but I usually either;

1. Install in Safe Mode

2. Shutdown all running programs and unnecessary processes, prior to running the installation (ala SP3)

Yes, I have done that on a couple of occations too, - the safe mode possibility not with SP3, however. What I had in mind, though, was a program that reversed the principle in StartUpLite. While StartUpLite is about halting a number of defined programs from the startup function and allowing the rest, this would be the opposite. Namely: allowing a few defined programs and halting all else until the install is over.

It's not an ordinary installer I'm after. Plenty of those around. A few times a year something very advanced is needed as an additional tool for difficult downloads and it seems that no such program have been made by anyone...

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