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Can't acces my fav web page.


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Hello guys.

I recently got Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and i've been annoyed a bit that i can't acces etf2l.org - a european Team Fortress 2 gaming league.

I'm very active on the forums and in the league, so i hope theres a way Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can let me get acces to it.

I use Firefox.

Any one knows a way i can allow it to go to that page?



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How can I add an IP so it won't be detected and can access a site I need to?

Visit the site and incur an IP block. Then right-click on the Malwarebytes system-tray icon after the block notification appears, and choose Add to Ignore List.

Only ever do this if you are sure you want to visit this site - Malwarebytes takes no responsability for you visiting blocked sites -

These are usually blocked due to being P2P or Torrent sites that are not considered fully safe for some reason -

Thank You - :welcome:

EDIT - I did a quick check on the site and it seems to be a P2P type site - That is why MBAM is blocking it - Use at Your Own Risk -

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