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Infection/no internet

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Hi, I'm new here, been searching all over the internet (from work) to find out what is wrong with my computer. I've come to learn more about computers than I ever thought I would need to know.

Anyway, on 5/1/10, my desktop computer was working fine and I left it on sitting there alone for a couple of hours and when I got back to it it had gone black. I eventually managed to get it to start up but had lost the internet connection. I get the "limited or no connectivty". I cannot renew my IP address. I've tried everything.

Looked at the event log for 5/1 the very first error at 2:16pm (when I was not at the computer) is TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts".


The SmartLinkService has reported an invalid current state 0.


Application popup: Security Warning: Application cannot be executed. The file avwsc.exe is infected.

Application popup: Security Warning: Application cannot be executed. The file wscntfy.exe is infected.


The DHCP ClientService depends on the NetBIOS over Tcpip service which failed to start because of the following error: The device attached to the system is not functioning.


The DNS Client Service depends on the TCP/IP Protocol Driver service which failed to start because of the following error: The device attached to the system is not functioning.

So...I have since tried a lot of things. Doing cmd nbtstat -R givmes me this error: Failed to access NetBT driver--NetBT may not be loaded.

In the device manager NetBios over Tcpip is not shown in Hidden Devices.

I also did a FULL scan with Malware Bytes and it did find a lot of adware and trojan Fraudpack. I removed them but when I scanned again yesterday there were 5 adware and 2 infections, one of which was Fraudpack. Not too long ago I also had the internet security 2010 virus. I thought I had managed to get that removed from the computer. This was about a month ago.

I'm running Windows XP Service Pack 3. I connect to the internet via cable modem, ethernet adapter connected directly from the modem to the computer.

I am unable to download anything since I can't connect to the internet.

Can you tell if my problems connecting to the internet are caused by an infection and if so, how do I remove the problem??? Thanks

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Hello shellos8, :):)

sounds like you still have something running on your computer that is causing your issues.

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums.

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help.

If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

If you are a corporate customer please send an email to corporate-support@malwarebytes.org. (NOTE: An order number is required for corporate support.)

Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Thank you :)

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