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XP Security Virus

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My mother in law has an infected laptop and I'm trying to clean it. Very aggravating virus/malware. I have put malwarebytes onto her desktop via a usb drive as it will not allow me to get on the internet. However, the virus will not allow me to run the .exe file either. I tried researching before posting and saw where installing the System Process Killer application to find the process and kill it would work, however I could not identify it running. It's weird because I was able to take that program off the usb drive and get it running on the desktop but not malwarebytes.

I have searched more but can't find out how I can get malwarebytes to actually install on the computer. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Hello tsi2quick ,Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Please follow the advice below, and have some patience -

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Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Thank You - :)

ps- Have you tried renaming the setup file with other names? That may work in some cases...

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