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icon within an icon

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Hello I am new here so please forgive me if i posted in the wrong spot.I recently downloaded malawarebytes and found a little vista icon inserted within the icon,am i infected,also downloaded other programs like tune up utilities and the same little icon showed up on that icon,please help.

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Greetings taozhe and welcome to Malwarebytes :rolleyes:

In Windows Vista and Windows 7 it is perfectly normal to see that multi-colored shield icon on some applications and their shortcuts. It simply means that when you run that program you will be prompted by User Account Control because the program in question (in this case Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware) requires administrative privelages to run. It is nothing to worry about and is not a sign of infection.

I hope that explains it and sets your mind at ease.

Should you require anything further please post.

Thanks ;)

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