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I was down loading tunes from Lime Wire and editing in i-tunes. All the sudden my screen whent blank and the music tracks showing on i-tunes where gone. i was able to import and recreate the list for playing on i-tunes from the file Lime Wire downloads are saved.

All the sudden, my computer goes nuts. It crashes unexpectedly and frequently - while/during and in the middle of opreating programs.

I get a messge: Data Execution Prevention

To help protect you computer, Windows has closed this program.

Name: Generic Host Process for Win32 Services.

Error Siginitures: Event Type: BEX P1: SVCHost.exe P2: 5.1.2600.5512 P3: 48025bc0 P:4 advapi.dll

P:5 5.1.2600.5755 P:6 49001d48 P:7 00096ad1 P:8 00000008

The following files will be included in this error report:



After all my protection, I found nothing.

After some research, I fing that my OS, XP Home 2002- Service Pak 3, can't find advapi.dll

When I run RegSvr32 Tool, I get message: RegSvr32

advapi32.dll was loaed, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found.

Please help with fix and advise, as this is a important dll file. All investigation online has offered solution but with no success.

Is anyone elese experienced or is experiencing this porblem?

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I would update Malwarebytes and run a Quick Scan.

Then update your Antivirus program and run a full computer scan.

If the malware/virus scans happen to turn up clean.

Then run a full sector (5 Stage) CHKDSK on your C: drive.

Then put your XP Disk in the CD drive and run sfc /scannow

Then go to Microsoft Update and install any necessary critical updates.

If that doesn't help, post back and we can look for a more specific solution.

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I would update Malwarebytes and run a Quick Scan.

Then update your Antivirus program and run a full computer scan.

If the malware/virus scans happen to turn up clean.

Then run a full sector (5 Stage) CHKDSK on your C: drive.

Then put your XP Disk in the CD drive and run sfc /scannow

Then go to Microsoft Update and install any necessary critical updates.

If that doesn't help, post back and we can look for a more specific solution.

Thank you for your response. I've been running SpyBot and Adaware on ME successfully for the last few years. Had this opertunity to purchase this used computer and went for it. I'm new to the Malwarebytes as well as this site. Please forgive me for my lack. I'll complete the steps, as many as I can, that you suggested and get back to you with results. Once again, thank you for your relpy.

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marktreg is dead on. You can't download from a site like Limewire and fail to be infected.

Hello Mylanta3. Interesting name. lol. Thanks for your comment, I already feel like a %$#@!. I would say like a dog but I'm sure a dog feels better than I do at this point. lol. Do you have a free download site for music that would be a better choice?

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Hello Mylanta3. Interesting name. lol. Thanks for your comment, I already feel like a %$#@!. I would say like a dog but I'm sure a dog feels better than I do at this point. lol. Do you have a free download site for music that would be a better choice?

No not free I'm afraid I don't on the other hand I recommend Itunes to my clients. It sure beats my rates to "wipe and load" their systems every 3 months to pay for downloads.

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Thank you for your response. I've been running SpyBot and Adaware on ME successfully for the last few years. Had this opertunity to purchase this used computer and went for it. I'm new to the Malwarebytes as well as this site. Please forgive me for my lack. I'll complete the steps, as many as I can, that you suggested and get back to you with results. Once again, thank you for your relpy.

Hello marktreg. While completing the steps you recommended, my computer kept sending error messages ie. system has recovered from a serious error, data execution wth error signatures. I ran CHKDSK a few times and experienced a lack of retention and crashes. After I investigated and gained understanding of the error signatures, and based on the lack of retention after running CHKDSK, and in addition to the series/style of crashes - I deciede that the 1-gig chip/ram that i installed went bad/was bad and I uninstalled it. Put my machine back together and booted up......it purred and all is amazingly well. To sum up: while, multi-tasking, downlaoding files from Lime Wire and editing in i-tunes... the 1 gig ram i purchased from Fry's Electronics blew 3 days after instllation. Fortunately, I was running on 1.5 gig before I completed the installation. Once again, thank you for your response as I truly appreciate. Please acknowledge receipt of this message. best regards, xmarkx

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Hi xmarkx,

I'm glad that your computer is running fine again now. :)

However I must apologise to you because I forgot to follow the forum's guidelines when I replied to your post. We are not supposed to give advice to people who use P2P software, like Limewire, unless they uninstall it first. I forgot to tell you this, so I apologise for not advising you correctly.

Please be warned that using P2P software carries a high risk of malware infection as well as the possibility of breaching numerous copyright related laws.

If you suspect you may be infected with malware, you can receive free personal advice from one of the forum's malware removal experts by following the directions below.

Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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Hi xmarkx,

I'm glad that your computer is running fine again now. :D

However I must apologise to you because I forgot to follow the forum's guidelines when I replied to your post. We are not supposed to give advice to people who use P2P software, like Limewire, unless they uninstall it first. I forgot to tell you this, so I apologise for not advising you correctly.

Please be warned that using P2P software carries a high risk of malware infection as well as the possibility of breaching numerous copyright related laws.

If you suspect you may be infected with malware, you can receive free personal advice from one of the forum's malware removal experts by following the directions below.

Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

Hello Marktreg. FYI, I uninstalled the P2P software software before posting on your site as it interfered with my pc general operations and created unusual demands/spikes in CPU usage. To date i think its gone. :)

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