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Just checking to see if this IP range is still bad?

The URL of the website is below.

It is the landing page for the dev of a popular FF add-on.

Unfortunately, it tries to load in a new tab automatically when restarting FF after updating it (as is common with many FF add-ons).

I am still being notified by MBAM Pro of a successful IP block every time I update this add-on, even though I try to close the tab before the page even has a chance to load.

According to the dev (~2 weeks ago, when I alerted him to the problem):

>> The landing page is hosted at a webservice called Strato (http://strato.de) and should not be malicious. Please confirm, that the page you've tried to load is: http://www.soerenrinne.de/GoogleShortcuts/update.html

I have not installed this on my new computer and may well uninstall it from FF on my other 2, if this is still a bad IP. Much as I like the add-on, it's ust not worth the risk....



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Until the sites are cleaned up, or your ISP suspends them, the only suggestion I can give is to move the site elsewhere (another e-mail was sent to Strato a few days ago, but I've had no reply as of writing this).

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