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True story

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Hi everyone I got a good one for ya.

This is a true story, which happened recently(last 30 minutes)and shows how little people know at their job.

I recently signed up for a online class on python and completed by sending a check.

The check goes(supposedly to the college district office)on it's way.

The day nears and no word on the check's arrival.

The day before the class soon arrives and no word. I call them and no info on the check. I figure it must have gotten lost. So I just forget about the class.

The next Day I go online to access my Visual Basic 2008 class. I notice the class is now available as it has the same schedule, but I started a month later.

I access the class and do my work. However a week later I get a email from the college saying I accessed the class, but have not paid the tuition fee. Confused as why would they give you access when you have not paid?

I call the district office(part of a group of local colleges)and they send me to some office. Okay I get voice mail. I call again and end up talking to some lady who doesn't really know anything. She tells me to call the college I signed up at.

I do that. One person after another with multiple voice mails. During this time I get one person(rather nuts if you ask me)who I think at first has some good info. Obviously not the case. She tells me that the network has many bugs which haven't gotten worked out(the most useful info I'll get). One time after another she tells me that I registered with her with a credit card. Finally she sends me to someone else.

Supposedly the person who handles this is gone. So yet again I get voice mail. I end up hitting pound to get her secretary.

The supposed secretary sends me to another voice mail.

Now I'm getting pretty ticked. I'm currently contacting my bank to get info on the check(if lost, but gets found put a stop on it)and going to the district office and college to smack some faces.

The moral of this story?

When a person transfers you hang up! They are only transferring you to person who isn't there or nonexistent. They do not like their jobs and want to do little as possible(enough to get paid)to help you.

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Ugh! That really sucks! I hate when things like that happen.

My friend had a lot of payment screw ups with one of the colleges she attended as well, and it was like playing tag with someone who didn't know how to play tag...

Keep us posted on what happens... this is not your fault at all! And wow oh wow... all those transfers :unsure::lol::lol:

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Good news, my check has been found. Everything has been sorted out and I'm taking python. :) That was an ordeal. :)

GREAT news Buttons - glad to see it got resolved.

Enjoy your classes.

We have thousands and thousands of pythons in the Florida Everglades - Want one as kind of a study partner??


Enjoy, my friend.. I'm on the downside; every day I remember less and less. Nice to see someone is going to learn more and more... :)


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We have thousands and thousands of pythons in the Florida Everglades - Want one as kind of a study partner??


I'm good thank you very much. :) I doubt my dog would get a long. Plus I'm not so sure having a python(unless it's on my screen)would make me very comfortable. :)

P.S. I already pay rent to my mom(easier when going to college)and I think that is already enough. Now the last thing my mom want's me to bring home is a python(or tarantula). :) :) Otherwise the next time I leave may be in one of these.

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What an ordeal Buttons! Glad it's all sorted now. :)

Your encounter with this organisation reminds me of the frustrating encounters I've had with my ISP whenever I've had broadband or phone issues - still unresolved I might add.

We had a similar problem with vonage about 5 years ago. We changed our phone lines, but kept our current ISP. Vonage decided to give our ISP a call and disconnect us. Quest agreed without our consent. My mom was ticked, she was taking online classes and going into the medical field. We where without internet for 2 weeks. Fortunately it didn't hurt to much as she graduated. She decided to sign up with them again. If that were me, I would have said no.

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Fortunately I wake up. :)

The first thing I read in the newspaper every morning, rain or shine, is the obituaries; If I don't see my name there I know it's going to be a GOOD day after all. :)

Shameless.. I know.. Just couldn't resist. :)

Off to bed.. late night (early morning??) Computer became unstable around midnight and wound up doing a system restore from the WinUpdate this AM. That means I'm back to 1.44 until I get a chance to do another 1.45 install.

G'night all.. see you after the morning obits..


*wry grin*


PS: Honored to be ornery.. err..ahh HONORARY!!

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