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Can You run two Anti-Spyware Programs?


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It is OK to have more than one installed, and the trend nowadays is moving toward having a full Suite of products installed on your computer and a second set (and some will argue a preferably *different* set) on some sort of removable media (external HDs and USB Flash Devices, aka UFDs, are more popular because you can keep the apps up to date on them) so that if you system gets compromised, and it is possible that your protection has been compromised as well, you have a backup, usually untouched, set of tools to help you clean / recover.

I have had more than one of the same type of product installed on numerous machines for backup purposes - the key is to make sure that not more than one of the same type is *actively* running. These days AV products include an active / real time / always on scanner that monitors files and folders all the time. In order to prevent conflicts, you'd have product A and allow its active / real time / always on scanner to run always, an product B (again usually on a separate medium) with the run time / real time / always on scanner *off*.

It's the scanners that can get you hosed - when they start conflicting with each other.

Another more recent popular trend is to use actual 'portable' applications, applications which run completely off of external media (HDs, UFDs, CDs, etc) without having to be installed on your system - that means that there is less chance for Malware to get to the program's settings and alter them to prevent a scan from detecting said Malware.

The trick is to know all about the products that you are interested in, including how you want to designate your primary (and secondary, should you choose to invest the time into building a set of secondary apps) and then implementing that.

Of course, if you're like me, you'll always be trying different things too....:P

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  • 5 weeks later...

John L. Galt wrote,

"Another more recent popular trend is to use actual 'portable' applications, applications which run completely off of external media (HDs, UFDs, CDs, etc) without having to be installed on your system - that means that there is less chance for Malware to get to the program's settings and alter them to prevent a scan from detecting said Malware."

Sorry to bump a three week old post, but I wasn't sure if I should post here or start a new one. Are you able to tell me what these programs are? I apolgize if they are listed in an area I have not located yet.

Thank you,


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John L. Galt wrote,

"Another more recent popular trend is to use actual 'portable' applications, applications which run completely off of external media (HDs, UFDs, CDs, etc) without having to be installed on your system - that means that there is less chance for Malware to get to the program's settings and alter them to prevent a scan from detecting said Malware."

Sorry to bump a three week old post, but I wasn't sure if I should post here or start a new one. Are you able to tell me what these programs are? I apolgize if they are listed in an area I have not located yet.

Thank you,


I quite agree with you John.. as it is never a full proff day ahead

Even i use to do some thing as such but as something different ...

When ever my Laptop get's infected and it obviously as i have to visit various client side for their concerned issues

But then i use to take on my HDD from my Laptop and get it scaned along my Desktop where i have some other program for this beast's

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John L. Galt wrote,

"Another more recent popular trend is to use actual 'portable' applications, applications which run completely off of external media (HDs, UFDs, CDs, etc) without having to be installed on your system - that means that there is less chance for Malware to get to the program's settings and alter them to prevent a scan from detecting said Malware."

Sorry to bump a three week old post, but I wasn't sure if I should post here or start a new one. Are you able to tell me what these programs are? I apolgize if they are listed in an area I have not located yet.

Thank you,


Hi Beversoll and welcome to Malwarebytes. No worries about bumping the topic. We don't have a list of these programs but I'm sure if you did a Google search for them you would come up with several. Just be sure they are reputable programs before you invest any cash or use.

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