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I tried to reg on hostsman's forum but it would not let me, so I thought I would post here as I know a few people here use it.

With the great help of Mountaintree16 I installed it a few days ago and today I tried to add manually a few sites to it, nothing bad just some ads really. This failed, the hosts file has the sites but does not block them, so I tried with game site I use, and still the same, it does not block the page.

Have I done something wrong? I went into tools>hostsman editor>add>inserted site> add, then clicked on the site and it was not blocked

Can anyone help?



Update, I scanned the hosts and it found 8 errors which I fixed (it did not show the errors) and now FF wont connect to the game site I added, is this the hosts blocking it? I thought a message came up on a blocked site? the ads however are still there.

Edit again, I cannot connect to the site in FF or IE but I can in Opera :) IE says after I check the connection through it "that site is not set up to establish a connection to a port"world wide web services (HTTP)" with this computer" so that must be the hosts file but then why is it allowing me in Opera?

That would explain why I see the ads in Opera but not IE or FF though FF has a ad blocker I do not think my IE does.

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Hi chimpy,

Are you sure your not adding the page? Usually ad's aren't on the page they are on different servers,but display on the page. Also if you want an ad blocker for IE try Simple Adblock. It has very good reviews and does a great job. I use it myself. Also it's freeeee!


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I think I over complicated my post :) I have added sites in hostsman and in both IE and FF those sites are blocked, but not in Opera.

Everything I have googled says that it works for Opera but not in my case, I was wondering if there was something extra I have to click or tick to get it to work.

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Buttons you are my new best friend! I had no idea there was such a thing as an adblock for IE. Thanks so much for the link to that. I rarely use IE these days but it's so nice being able to block the ads when I do. I've just installed it. :)

Now... if only someone would make something along the lines of NoScript for IE.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Buttons you are my new best friend! I had no idea there was such a thing as an adblock for IE. Thanks so much for the link to that. I rarely use IE these days but it's so nice being able to block the ads when I do. I've just installed it. :)

Now... if only someone would make something along the lines of NoScript for IE.

IE7 Pro did pretty well to block Ads. Work as well as in IE8. I use it

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Buttons you are my new best friend! I had no idea there was such a thing as an adblock for IE. Thanks so much for the link to that. I rarely use IE these days but it's so nice being able to block the ads when I do. I've just installed it. :)

Now... if only someone would make something along the lines of NoScript for IE.

Glad to know I made your day. :) I didn't know that ether, until I came across a list within the depths of the malwarebyts' forum. Not sure how many pages I went through. Most of the time I use seamonkey. However for IE usage I wouldn't mind something like noscript. :)

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