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Malwarebytes full version

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Okay I have seen malware get through many updated antivirus solutions and they were fully up to date at the time of infection. In all cases the uneducated user was searching for popular stuff like hairstyles, dog breeds, porn, cars, guns and such. Will the full version stop these uneducated users from getting infected?

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Well I for one think that is a loaded question.

It is not fool proof for say, but it will definitely help. The security you have installed on your system is only as good as the person using it. For example, if you get a notification that something is trying to install, and you know it is probably bad, and you choose to run it anyway, you will get infected.

MBAM is designed to block websites that have malicious code on it with the IP Protection. But if you go searching for porn for example, and we are blocking that site with MBAM and you choose to ignore it, then its a good chance you will get hit.

I have a good AV and use MBAM with protection on, and I heed the warnings that they both give me and I yet to get infected. (knock on wood).

Its more a thing of having the protection in place and following safe surfing habits.

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Darrin, give them only limited rights. Normal user account if possible makes it so they can't infect your entire machine.

Its a good start, but some malware will exploit any security updates that have not been installed and still infect a computer if updates are not current. So one wants to make sure any installed software is always up to date, including operating system, office, acrobat, flash players, media players, etc.

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