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MBAM Compatability

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Hi Everyone.

I was curious if it is okay to run a MBAM Scan in the background while running my FireFox Browser on the web as well as other applications? I always run MBAM by itself and wait for the scan to finish before I surf the net. But I was wondering if I can do both at the same time. Sorry if this question has already been asked but I could not find it in my search.

Thanks Folks,


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Hi AZKID, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :D

It's definitely a good idea to run the scan (and are you running the quick scan?) with as few programs running as possible. I run a quickscan nightly after closing out any open browsers and running a temp file cleaner (CCleaner is what I use) when I am finished with the computer, sometimes leaving my IM client running, but I try to close that out too. Other than that, I close out all programs other than my anti-virus and my hosts server.

However, if you are browsing and want to scan at the same time, try to have just one tab/window open at a time.

Try to run a quick scan at least once a week with NO other programs running (leaving your AV and such open is fine though of course).

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said.

Thank you :)

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No problem, AZKid.

There's a lot of us here and on at different times so usually someone is around :lol:

Sounds like a good choice :) That's what I usually do - run MBAM quick scan by itself. Mine takes between 6 minutes and usually no more than 10 minutes. Choose a time when you don't need your computer for 10 minutes. I usually do it while getting ready to go to sleep.

Also, do you use a temp file cleaner such as ATF cleaner or CCleaner? That can also help cut down on scan times by clearing out files that you don't need on your computer. If you don't, I can provide you with links and directions for one or both. I use them both. I use ATF daily prior to my quick scan, and CCleaner at least once a week.

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No problem, AZKid.

There's a lot of us here and on at different times so usually someone is around :lol:

Sounds like a good choice :) That's what I usually do - run MBAM quick scan by itself. Mine takes between 6 minutes and usually no more than 10 minutes. Choose a time when you don't need your computer for 10 minutes. I usually do it while getting ready to go to sleep.

Also, do you use a temp file cleaner such as ATF cleaner or CCleaner? That can also help cut down on scan times by clearing out files that you don't need on your computer. If you don't, I can provide you with links and directions for one or both. I use them both. I use ATF daily prior to my quick scan, and CCleaner at least once a week.

Thanks M16 I do use CCleaner and sometimes I use my Smart Defrag utility also right before I run MBAM and it does improve the scan time.

Thanks again :)


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