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Feels like Im missing something.

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Is there Something else that suppose to be downloaded with it thats making it unable to run?

Becuase doing installing it just hangs there at "Finshing Installing" then(if it dosent frezze) it will go to finish screen. i make sure that both boxes r check and nothing happens after i click finsh.

2nd attachment(fishy) Whats thats just seems fishy to me.



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You should attach those screenshots or pictures or whatever they are an image of to your post so that no one has to download anything in order to view them :D

Save them as a .jpg, and you'll be able to do that :) (.bmp is too big to attach I believe).

Let me know if you need help doing any of this :)

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Oh sorry i didnt know u had to download like that, ill make sure to do it your way....

Yea i already have a post goingin HJT(5days now) and all igot was download this.. but i cant even get the link to work i just keep geting "Sever not found" when i click on it. its been 3 days since i told themi couldnt get the link to work. i been trying to remove teh files by myself the best i can i got the ads to stop popping up but my PC still super slow and freezes(causing me to hold the power button to shutdown).

Just came to figure out what those attackment r.

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As I am sure you know, it can be pretty busy in the HJT forum, so please be patient. I know it can be frustrating to wait for a few days for a reply, but, the volunteers are very busy, and most of them are unpaid, donating their time to assist people.

They will get back to you. If its been more than 3-4 days, you could send a gentle reminder PM message to your helper, but, again, please be patient. You should not be posting elsewhere in the forum asking for help when you are already receiving help.

As for saving as a Jpg and attaching pictures, for your future reference, open the document(s) with Paint.

Go to File > Save As. Name the file whatever you want. Underneath where you name the file, you'll see Save as Type. Choose JPEG from the drop down menu. Click save. (I recommend saving it to your desktop so that its easily found).

As for attaching it to the message in the forum here:

Below the text field you'll see a blank text field with a Browse button next to it. Click that, navigate to where you saved the file. Double click to select. Click upload. Repeat until you've finished uploading your attached pictures.


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You're welcome :)

I understand, but, that information should be given to your helper :D And now you know how to attach pictures properly, so you learned something new today :)

I see you have TWO HJT logs open though,



Why do you have two open?

You need to let either Miekiemoes or Screen317 know that you are finished with one of the posts, and stick with ONE of them in ONE post. You will be doing both them and yourself a favor.

Thanks :)

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Only an Admin (red names) or Moderator (purple names) can delete posts/close topics. Do you wish to end your post with Miekiemoes then and continue with Screen317? If so, just post in your thread with Miekiemoes and let her know you'd like her to close the thread for you and you'll continue on with Screen317.

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