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I posted this in the wrong spot--- it should go here!


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I watched the ball drop down while drinking Boone's Farm wine and beer. I went outside and shot off some bottle rockets I had left over from last year, and then went inside. The neighbors continued shooting off fireworks, but I was out of stuff to shoot off (except for my guns, but I didn't want the cops coming over).

So I got on my computer to look for some clip art for a logo for my new web page. I ran "free clip art" in Google and then on about the 10th page all hell broke loose. A virus or some such thing took over my computer. It wouldn't let me do anything, and it kept telling me to activate my "Anti virus program". It kept beeping and putting stuff in my system tray, and giving me all sorts of warning messages. But the message, as well as some other "infiltration" warnings, were not the stuff that I usually see from Avira, so I knew it was a virus. I found that I could only run programs like avira or mbam after restarting, and then immediately going to those programs, because after about 30 seconds after a restart no program could run; the virus would say "program not responding because such and such file is infected" , which was another bogus warning. It even tried to direct me to porn.com and adult.com! It was constantly trying to get me to activate it's Antivirus Live program, which it had planted (without my consent) in my system tray.

After Avira failed finding anything, I restarted and quickly started MBAM. MBAM immediately found 4 infected files (registry keys, I think, but I don't know; I haven't looked closely at the log file yet). I let it run a full scan, and when it was running final heuristics, it found one more infection.

When I removed these 5 infected files, my problem immediately went away. I am thrilled that this happened! What a way to start the new year! MBAM helped me about a year ago, and on your advice I started using Avira and Spybot S & D. Between these three programs, NOTHING can get through to you! MBAM is the ultimate anti-malware program; MBAM and Avira complement each other.......

Kudos to the MBAM developers and staff! I've always used the free version, but I'm going to purchase the other version from you! I want to send some cash your way...... You guys/girls are the best! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

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