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Hijack Display Properties detection

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this was something that was noticed first in version 1.41 and I thought was fixed in 1.42 but still seems to exist (at least on my computer anyway) a scan itself doesn't come up with anything except for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoActiveDesktopChanges (Hijack.DisplayProperties) -> Bad: (1) Good: (0) ->

but the permission to run malwarebytes still comes up at system startup with UAC enabled. on a 64 bit vista machine. I am curious as to why it still comes up if it was fixed in the latest version.

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Greetings :)

The runcleanupscript entry will still come up, but it should only do so once, not every time you reboot your computer as it did with version 1.41, as for the Hijack.DisplayProperties entry, this can be safely added to the Ignore list in Malwarebytes' since that is actually the default setting for Vista and Windows 7 x64.

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when you first run a scan it will show up yes. but the strangest thing is, when it is added to the ignore list and you want to get out of that particular window... it asks do you wish to abort the scan? which is the same thing it did in the previous version. yeah I know, my computers can act strange sometimes lol.

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when you first run a scan it will show up yes. but the strangest thing is, when it is added to the ignore list and you want to get out of that particular window... it asks do you wish to abort the scan? which is the same thing it did in the previous version. yeah I know, my computers can act strange sometimes lol.

just a quick edit on that. what I was asking about is why is the runcleanscript showing up if it has been fixed with the latest release or is that just because of the 64 bit system.

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