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cannot install exe file

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I have tried to install and keep getting error message "createprocess failed code 2" cant find mbam.exe file

I have uninstalled and reinstalled....i have my firewall set to zero and still nothing. I have run this before but for some reason the exe file is now gone so tried to reinstall,.....thus beginning my issues

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Welcome dumluk2002 -

Maybe you need to change the screen name for better luck -(Only joking) -

Please follow the instructions at item #7 from the link below as we now have our own Un/re installer -


Ignore the section on paid versions if you use our free version - Same instructions though -

See how it runs and please let us know if we can do more -

Thank you - :D


Can you then please also check your internet settings as shown in the link below -


Thank you -

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You have the symptoms of a malware infection.

Please have a look at some of the procedures below for getting Malwarebutes to run. If you do get Malwarebytes to run, please make sure that you update it to the latest database before running a Quick Scan.

  1. MBAM will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found
  2. Windows Police Pro - MBAM will not install
  3. SystemSecurity - MBAM won't run
  4. Total-Security (FakeAlert) - MBAM won't run
  5. av360 (Fakealert) - MBAM won't run
  6. MBAM wont install or will not run.(CLB Rootkit-WinNT.Alureon) - TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst/kungsf/SKYNET/MSIVX/hjgrui/wzszx

Then please follow the instructions here.

When you have made your new topic in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum an expert will personally guide you through the removal process.

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You have the symptoms of a malware infection.

Please have a look at some of the procedures below for getting Malwarebutes to run. If you do get Malwarebytes to run, please make sure that you update it to the latest database before running a Quick Scan.

  1. MBAM will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found
  2. Windows Police Pro - MBAM will not install
  3. SystemSecurity - MBAM won't run
  4. Total-Security (FakeAlert) - MBAM won't run
  5. av360 (Fakealert) - MBAM won't run
  6. MBAM wont install or will not run.(CLB Rootkit-WinNT.Alureon) - TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst/kungsf/SKYNET/MSIVX/hjgrui/wzszx

Then please follow the instructions here.

When you have made your new topic in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum an expert will personally guide you through the removal process.

I now get an error code 707 (3,0)


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Welcome dumluk2002 -

Maybe you need to change the screen name for better luck -(Only joking) -

Please follow the instructions at item #7 from the link below as we now have our own Un/re installer -


Ignore the section on paid versions if you use our free version - Same instructions though -

See how it runs and please let us know if we can do more -

Thank you - :D


Can you then please also check your internet settings as shown in the link below -


Thank you -

NOw I am getting an error SHgetvalue failed error code 0

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Sorry dumluk2002 -

The error codes that were listed in Blue by marktreg are links to solutions that have been noted by us as known errors and can usually be repaired if you follow the instructions and diagram shown there -

We also sometimes write a bit quickly to get a fast answer out to you -

Please click on the Blue code 2 shortcut and slowly the instructions - These are from one of our experts here -

You can download a corrupted version or have an installation corrupted by an infection (the 'bugs' do not like us) -

I hope this gives a slow read for you and a fuller idea of our fixes -

Thank you - :D

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Hi dumluk2002,

Did you follow the instructions here:

MBAM will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found

and download a randomized renamed mbam.exe version, then rename it to explorer.exe before placing it in your Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware folder and doubleclicking on it?

If you did do that, and MBAM still cannot remove the malware, please follow the instructions here.

When you have made your new topic in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum an expert will personally guide you through the malware removal process.

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Hi dumluk2002,

Did you follow the instructions here:

MBAM will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found

and download a randomized renamed mbam.exe version, then rename it to explorer.exe before placing it in your Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware folder and doubleclicking on it?

If you did do that, and MBAM still cannot remove the malware, please follow the instructions here.

When you have made your new topic in the Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum an expert will personally guide you through the malware removal process.

ok I think I have eradicated this bug! Thanks !!!!!!

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