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Most recent programs list not populating


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The icons are not appearing once they have been used in the list and I have tried to see if there is a way to fix it using the properties of the start menu but I cannot find anything that will allow the list to populate. I know the list should populate with the most recently used programs, but it simply is not.

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Hi frmdust ;).

This should work, if you visit this section of kellys-Korner and scroll down to 133 - Restore Most Frequently Used and click on it to download a small registry fix to the desktop.

There is also a download for the undo fix next to it. The site and author is very well respected and holds a MVP.

Even though a simple fix and as I earlier mentioned a undo fix, I always think it wise to create a backup of the registry before any modifications.

Click on Start >> Run


  • regedit

Click OK.

  • On the leftside, click to highlight My Computer at the top.
  • Go up to "File >> Export"
    • Make sure in that window there is a tick next to "All" under Export Branch.
      Leave the "Save As Type" as "Registration Files".
      Under "Filename" put Backup

    [*]Choose to save it to C:\ or somewhere else safe so that you will remember where you put it.

    [*]Click save and then go to File >> Exit.

This is so the registry can be restored to this point if required.

Now merge the previously downloaded Restore Most Frequently Used reg.file as follows:

  • Double click on "mfuprograms".
  • Click on Run >> and at the prompt "Yes" to merge with the registry.
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