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Is is-FN7AF.exe related to Malwarebytes ?

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My computer was recently hit by some type of trojan madness. Malwarebytes was the program that detected and... as far as I know, removed the various precenses created by this trojan.

During the final stages of removal an update came to Malwarebytes which seems to have installed the file "is-FN7AF.exe".

Just to double-check, as this file seems to have been installed in my WIndows folder... Is this really a part of the latest version of Malwarebytes?

Thank you for your time.


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  • Root Admin

They are part of the InnoSetup installer that we use to create the installation. It would appear that you had some issue, crash or something to the computer or installer that caused it to fail and normally it would have cleaned those files up but in this case they were left behind accidentally.

If you're still having any issues then please try to temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and try the re-install again. Otherwise if the installation seems to be okay now then you can just delete those files.


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