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Shell_NotifyIcon Failed

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  • Root Admin

Question: Why are you running Service Pack 2 on this system? There have been hundreds of fixes for security related issues that SP3 corrects, there are also many other security updates that are based on you having SP3.

Please send an email to support@malwarebytes.org along with your purchase information or ID/KEY and they'll be able to assist you with this.

Thank you.

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Question: Why are you running Service Pack 2 on this system? There have been hundreds of fixes for security related issues that SP3 corrects, there are also many other security updates that are based on you having SP3.

Please send an email to support@malwarebytes.org along with your purchase information or ID/KEY and they'll be able to assist you with this.

Thank you.

Thanks for the response. I am running XP SP 3 and all updates, my mistake. I will send an email to support.

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