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Kindle for PC really malware?

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I didn't want to report this as a false positive, because I don't really know. But I just did a system scan, and it reported 3 entries, all related to my recent installation of Kindle for PC (the desktop ebook reader from Kindle). One was the installation file I used to install the software, one was the uninstall.exe file, and the third was a registry key. They were all listed as coming from Trojan.Dropper. It just seems really odd to me.

I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to remove the program without knowing more (though it's not something I use often). Nor do I want to permanently ignore it if there's a genuine risk. If I want to ignore it this time only, should I just close the scanner and do nothing?

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Please go ahead and run a new scan but use the /DEVELOPER switch and then run the Quick Scan as before and post back that new log.

START - RUN - MBAM /DEVELOPER and then run a quick scan.

Okay, I did that (updated program first). On the quick scan, I got nothing. So I ran a full scan, and got just 2 of the 3 entries that I got last night. Log file attached.



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