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I am curious... how has Vundo changed this year? Of course, newer versions are prowling on the internet making it harder to remove.

I heard it could use rootkit to shield itself from scans, but those rootkits shield themselves. I guess the virus takes a lot of manpower to eliminate... just look at the backlog on the logs forum.

Is the newer version of vundo like HIV --- I mean it is a chronic infection than could never be eradicate d(except by reformatting?) Does Windows 7 have better protection against Vundo?

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  • Root Admin

All Malware infections come and go and many are morphed more frequently than others. Will Win7 protect you more? Perhaps a little but the bigger issue is not following good security practices like never using an account with any type of elevated privileges. If you need to install something then invoke the Run As Admin and provide such credentials as required. Have a good Anti-Virus program installed and updated daily and that alone will stop the vast majority of infections.

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