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Antivirus Pro 2009 blocks Malwarebytes from opening

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I have somehow been infected with the antivirus pro 2009 spyware/virus on my computer at home. A computer at work had this same problem and our IT guy downloaded malwarebytes and that solved the problem. I went to do the same thing on my home computer but this new version of antivirus 2009 blocks malwarebyes from opening, as well as virtually every other application on my computer. In addition to blocking me from opening itunes, internet explorer, mozilla thunderbird, etc. it also pops up fake websites in internet explorer windows (I am able to use mozilla firefox without issue?). The websites that pop up included porno.com, websites for erectile dysfunction, viagra adds and adds for house loans?? I have to continuously close these windows while trying to use my computer.

I read another forum topic on here where someone had the same problem as I did. I tried what I could of what was listed on that forum topic, but nothing worked. I tried to uninstall malwarebytes so I could reinstall and re-name the file, but antivirus 2009 gives me an error message when I try to uninstall the program. I get the same message when trying to open any program or application on my computer. It tells me that the "filename".exe is infected and asks if I would like to run the anti-virus program. I say no since that will take me to the page to purchase the fake anti-virus program.

I was able to run norton, and my version didn't find anything on the computer. I was also able to run Adaware which found the problem but did not get rid of it.

I tried restarting my computer and trying to open malwarebytes before the antivirus pro icon popped up in the taskbar but that didn't work. I can't download or open any other program to help!

Does anyone know of anything that I can do at this point?? I'm at a loss for where to go next!

Thanks so much in advance for any help provided!!


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I have somehow been infected with the antivirus pro 2009 spyware/virus on my computer at home. A computer at work had this same problem and our IT guy downloaded malwarebytes and that solved the problem. I went to do the same thing on my home computer but this new version of antivirus 2009 blocks malwarebyes from opening, as well as virtually every other application on my computer. In addition to blocking me from opening itunes, internet explorer, mozilla thunderbird, etc. it also pops up fake websites in internet explorer windows (I am able to use mozilla firefox without issue?). The websites that pop up included porno.com, websites for erectile dysfunction, viagra adds and adds for house loans?? I have to continuously close these windows while trying to use my computer.

I read another forum topic on here where someone had the same problem as I did. I tried what I could of what was listed on that forum topic, but nothing worked. I tried to uninstall malwarebytes so I could reinstall and re-name the file, but antivirus 2009 gives me an error message when I try to uninstall the program. I get the same message when trying to open any program or application on my computer. It tells me that the "filename".exe is infected and asks if I would like to run the anti-virus program. I say no since that will take me to the page to purchase the fake anti-virus program.

I was able to run norton, and my version didn't find anything on the computer. I was also able to run Adaware which found the problem but did not get rid of it.

I tried restarting my computer and trying to open malwarebytes before the antivirus pro icon popped up in the taskbar but that didn't work. I can't download or open any other program to help!

Does anyone know of anything that I can do at this point?? I'm at a loss for where to go next!

Thanks so much in advance for any help provided!!


Have you tried restarting in Safe Mode and then running Malwarebytes? That should stop AntivirusPro from even starting.

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I tried to rename malwarebytes to silly and random names from my desktop and that didn't work. Is that the way you would suggest to rename a file or is there another way that I don't know about?

I tried to get the safe mode by pressing f8 while my computer was booting up but I could never get the screen to come up so I couldn't select safe mode as an option.

Thanks for the advice and help! I will try both of these methods again when I get home from work!

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I tried to rename malwarebytes to silly and random names from my desktop and that didn't work.
If it allows firefox rename MBAM.exe to firefox.exe and try again .

You did not follow instructions , use firefox.exe , random names will have no effect . I told you to use firefox.exe because you already knew that one would work .

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