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Automatic Updates have stopped...

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Running XP/SP3, NOD32 v.4.0.474 on a clean machine. For whatever reason, scheduled automatic updates (set for 7PM) have not worked for several days now yet, manual updates go off without a hitch. I have another computer running Vista & NOD32 that is used less and I've not determined if the problem exists there. In searching, I found several instances where this has cropped up in the past but nothing recent. Any thoughts....?

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Please review the FAQ for setting up file exclusions and making sure IE is set to online even if you use another browser. #8


The exclusion list has long since been active however, I did make the registry change as suggested. This is a recent event, no problems up until a few days ago. There is no error message and as I said, manual updates are without issue. I've also checked the MBAM registry settings and values for auto update are present and accurate. I suppose if it doesn't right itself, I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling and give that a try.

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  • Root Admin

Hello Dan,

I have removed your post. The issue you're having deals with the Registered version of the program and we do not wish to discuss such issues on the board. Please send an email to the Helpdesk as requested and they will be happy to assist you in getting it working correctly.

Thank you.

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