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My ISP gave me a web page to go to so I could test my internet speed. There's a secure sign in. First time I went, everything was fine. A few minutes later, I went to sign in again (so I could let Firefox remember the password this time, for the sake of simplicity), and MWB popped up a warning that it was blocking the above IP. I closed out, tried again, same thing. The page did load each time, however. The IP was blocked a total of 5 times. What can you tell me about that IP? I was about to call my ISP back to tell them about this, but the last few times I've gone to that page, the warning doesn't come up. Is this a false positive?

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It's not an F/P, no. The IP is on a Trellian range, and there's no reason I can think of, for your ISP to be pointing to anything within this range. In saying this, if it's only happening occasionally, chances are it's actually an advert on the page that's responsible, rather than the ISP themselves.

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